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Getting PR for your wedding business is the best way to acquire new clients and create brand awareness. What better way to get FREE PR than creating media Buzz? Before we get started, we need you to understand what PR is and how it can benefit you. PR stands for Public Relations and it is the best way for businesses and individuals to communicate with the public and media. A great PR strategy involves you communicating with your target audience directly or indirectly through media with the ultimate aim to gain positive image for your brand, create strong relationships and build a consistent stream of clients. 

How to get PR for your Wedding Business

How to get PR for your Wedding Business

They are so many great ways you can use to generate positive PR for your wedding business. 

  1. Getting your work featured on big blogs with great traffic and huge following 

    Getting your work (Real weddings or style shoots) featured on huge blogs will bring you tones of traffic for years to come. A lot of people believe that this is so 1960, but trust us, this is a fantastic way to build links back to your website and wedding business. The work you submit must be extremely out of this world and a great representation of your brand. Try to submit your work to 3-5 wedding blogs per year. Think Style me Pretty OR Wedding chicks Don’t forget local blogs around your area. 

  2. Get your work featured on Print

    Think wedding magazines when we talk print. Do you have work that you feel extremely proud of? Submit it to a local or popular wedding magazine. This will ensure your work is seeing by a lot more people. If the work is extremely unique, then a wedding magazine won’t have a problem picking it up. So go ahead and feature at least 1 of your weddings on a wedding magazine! 

  3. Guest blogging is my new favorite thing

    Do you really want to be seeing? Why not guest blog on big blogs locally or internationally to get more publicity? We mentioned earlier on that getting back links to your site it the best way to build authority online. And Google truly loves this. You should always be thinking about the different things you can do to get back links. The other way is by Guest Blogging. They are so many wedding blogs as well as wedding magazines that are always looking for people to write for them. Contact a few blogs and magazines and pitch a few stories to them.

  4. Consider collaborating with wedding vendors to get free PR 

    Want to build a strong relationship with the vendors around you? What better way than collaborating? These are the vendors that will refer business to you in the long run. They are so many ways you can collaborate with wedding vendors. Consider attending networking events to grow your relationship, work on a few style shoots, guest blog for each other and build a referral system with these vendors. We have a whole blog written here on how to collaborate with wedding vendors. Read it here: 

    Creating Collaboration opportunities with other Professionals

  5. Stand out as an expert in your industry 

    Become an expert in your field by offering useful tips to your clients and other peers. An example of what other bloggers would be willing to feature is a post similar to what was written by Flowers by Janie a Calgary Wedding Florist! Read the blog here: The truth about wedding flower pricing! Not only should you be giving tips on your own blogs for couples to read, but consider submitting them to other bloggers and magazine editors.  

How do you ensure you will be picked up by Magazines or Wedding Bloggers? 

  • Make sure your submissions are unique and out of this world. 
  • Make sure your email to them stands out starting with the subject line.  For example: XYZ Event Decor Designs launches a new product to help busy brides plan stylish weddings by staying organized! 
  • Pitch your project to the right person. Do your research and reach out to the right person. 
  • Engage with the editors by developing a great relationship 
  • Read the submission rules in order to fast track the chances of getting featured 
  • If you know us, then you will know that we are big on following up. Ensure you follow up with those you have contacted for wedding submission. Want to know how following up can land you more weddings? Read this blog ! 

PS if you are not following us on Instagram yet- we would love to be InstaFriends right here!


Happy Planning