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Today we give you the secret you will need to find and book your  ideal wedding client for your business. Before we get started, you need to absolutely determine who your ideal clients are! They are so many niches in the wedding industry. Find a niche you want to target and use every marketing strategy you have in order to reach these clients. We can not stress enough that not knowing who your target market is will only delay your progress! Once you know who your target niche is the next step is to determine where they hang out and how you can communicate with them! In this day and age, your ideal wedding client is most likely going to be looking for you online. Having a strong online presence is of your best interest! 

The key message you put out online will break or make your business. How are your clients viewing you? They are looking at everything you do, from how you portray yourself online, the way you respond to emails, the way you talk and the way you look.

Finding your ideal client for your Wedding business

Finding your ideal client for your Wedding business

These wedding marketing tips will help you attract the right clients for your Wedding Business.

  1. Before a potential clients thinks of contacting you, they are doing a little research on you. They are looking at your blog, website and social platforms to see if they want to work with you. You will need to ensure your online presence is clean and ready to receive client just as you would accept guests in your own home. Make sure are ready to accept new clients. 
  2. The client would then proceed to email you. This will be the first point of contact you might have with a potential client. Do you respond to clients within 24 hours? If not, you are sending a message telling them that you do not care about them and are not ready to receive them. This message will be passed around and it will hurt your credibility. Remember brides talk! Always respond right away and give great information! Put your best foot forward and secure a consultation. We have 3 email templates you can use in our online course! They are written to attract your clients and make them want to book with you. 
  3. Social Platforms: You need to ensure all your social platforms are update and have great tips, recent portfolio and reviews. This will tell your potential client how relevant you are and that they are able to trust you with taking care of them. Be social online and stay relevant. Did you know that if your last post was over two years ago, clients are going to assume you are no longer in business? Don’t let them assume, it’s not what you want your business to reflect! 
  4. Target Market: Ensure you know your target market. Are you targeting brides that are budget friendly, or brides that want exceptional service and are ready to pay for it? Narrow your target to your niche and spend your marketing money and efforts to capture these leads.
  5. Invest in yourself. You need to spend money to make money. Your website needs to be of high quality and so do your clothes and looks. If you DIYed your website and it looks like it, you will attract DIY clients and budget friendly brides. If this is what you are targeting then it might work for you. Even DIY clients expect a bit more and you will need to be able to provide this.

I hope these tips can help you get to the next level. Leave your comments below. If you would like more help in reaching to the next level, our online course can help you get to that level. You can register for it here! 

Photo credit: Mitch Lenet Weddings. 

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Don’t forget to join our group of other wedding professionals in our  “Wedding Professional Hive” an up coming Facebook group where we share marketing tips on a daily basis!

Happy Planning