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Marriage conversation starters

These conversation starters for married couples are perfect for those struggling to find things to talk about. 

I was shocked to find that a lot of couples do little to no communication and this was the number one reason for a breakup. 

Honestly the day I run out of things to talk to my spouse about is the day I will truly shock myself. 

My husband is always commenting about how I always have things to say.

I am always talking. 

We have been together since I was 21 and almost 10 years later, we still have fun and exciting conversations to this day. 

I am always the first to say that just because you are married, doesn’t mean you have to stop working on your relationship.

Relationships take a lot of work from those involved. 

One of my relationship goals is to keep my marriage interesting and fun. 

Hopefully, you have the same goal as me. 

If you ever find yourself running out of things to say, I suggest using this list of fun conversation starters for married couples. 

They are perfect for spicing things up and making things more interesting in any relationship that has gone stale. 

Having a conversation with your husband and wife should not be complicated or hard to start.  

Using simple but fun married couple conversation starters to help start a conversation with your spouse has proven to be extremely successful for my relationship over the years.

With our list, we never want to hear these 6 little words:

We have nothing to talk about!

And that is because there is always something new to learn about each other as we grow.

I was honestly surprised at how many other couples were looking for fun and romantic questions to ask their spouse!

Lucky for you, we took the time today to create this epic list of the best conversation starters for married couples who want to put in the work to help reconnect with each other. 

Communication in a relationship is very important and key to a successful relationship. 

In relationships, communication allows you to explain to someone else what you are experiencing and what your needs are. 

And it doesn’t have to be serious all the time. 

Simply asking how someone’s day was is just as important as having financial conversations. 

It shows that you care. 

Basically, communicating in a relationship means listening, loving and supporting your partner wholeheartedly. 

I am always surprised at how many of my married couples were looking for:

  • Great topics for married couples to talk about

  • Ways to start a conversation between husband and wife

  • List of funny conversation starters for married couples

These are all great questions. 

Coming up with conversation questions for married couples is not as easy as you may think especially for those that are not big speakers.

So What Do Married Couples Talk About?

Be sure to use marriage conversation questions that will encourage you both to open up and share some deep intimate thoughts with each other. 

The more you talk with your spouse, the more you will:

  • Build intimacy and connect with each other
  • Have more fun with each other
  • Feel more comfortable in your relationship
  • Get on the same page with each other
  • Get to know your significant other better

Take the time each month to write down your goals to help you maintain your marriage and life more effortlessly. 

I have an epic list of powerful romantic relationship goals for a marriage worth looking at. 

It will help you create your own married couple goals to help strengthen your relationship daily.

It might also help you come up with more questions to ask your spouse to improve your marriage!

As long as you make your relationship a priority, you will always be in a loving union.

Go ahead and grab this free planner to help you set your monthly goals and priorities. 

Balance your marriage and life. Grab this printable to help you better balance your friends and relationships while in a marriage.

So what are some fun married couple conversation starters?

Before we get started on the fun conversation starters for married couples, we wanted you to take the time to like our Facebook Page here! We also use affiliate links in our blog posts which means we can make a commission if you use any of our affiliate links.

Here are over 50 fun Conversation Starters For Married Couples. If you are running out of things to talk about, these 50 conversation starters for married couples. Communication in marriage is so important so use these conversation topics right now.

Epic conversation questions for married couples

As I mentioned earlier, one of my relationship goals is to make sure that we are always having fun.

My husband is goofy and funny. 

That’s one of the many reasons I was attracted to him. 

I would like to think I am funny too, so I knew I had to find some funny conversation starters for married couples like us to share with you all. 

At the end of the day, just have fun with the questions and enjoy getting closer as a couple. 

30 Conversation topics for married couples

  • If money were no object, what destination would you want to travel to right now? 
  • If we could do anything together, what would it be?
  • What’s the best way to make up after a fight?
  • What was the best day of your life? Tell me all about it
  • If you could travel in time, would you go back or forward? And to when?
  • What’s your favourite vacation from the ones we’ve taken together?
  • What’s your idea of a perfect vacation?
  • If you had to live in another country, which one would you pick and why?
  • Name 3 countries you never want to visit and why?
  • What excites you the most about our future?
  • What is missing from your lives right now that you’d like to add or bring back?
  • If we had one day left on Earth together, what would you want to do?
  • Name a dish that I make that you secretly hate or dislike?
  • What would be the best gift I could give you this year?
  • If you were given a chance to change your name, what would it be?
  • Who is the one person among our friends do you think we won’t have contact with in the future?
  • If we won 1 billion dollars today, how would you want to spend it?
  • Money, power, or good looks: which would you rather have an unlimited supply of?
  • What’s the scariest story you’ve ever heard?
  • Is there an activity that we haven’t done that you would like us to do?
  • Pick one friend to switch lives with – who would it be and why?
  • What’s something you’re glad you never have to do again?
  • What has been your favourite house or place we’ve lived and why?
  • What are some fun things you’ll prefer to do alone?
  • Have you become the very person you wish to be in life, if not what do you think is holding you back?
  • Would you rather live to be 100 with many regrets or live just 20 more years with absolutely no regrets?
  • What’s the last compliment you got that you really appreciated?
  • If you had to pick a class or hobby for us to take up together, what would it be?
  • If you could live one day over and over again for the rest of your life, which day would it be?
  • If you could turn back time, what decision of yours would you reverse and why?

For more married couple conversation starters, keep reading below. 

Fun questions to ask married couples about their relationship

If you are looking for funny questions to ask your spouse about your relationship, this section is for you. 

I like to keep things light and exciting, so these questions are perfect to ask when you are out on a date or even at home on a rainy Friday evening. 

Cook a meal together and ask a few of these questions. 

You will be surprised at what you might have forgotten or completely didn’t even know. 

A conversation between a husband and wife shouldn’t be so serious all the time. 

Learn to have a little fun. 

Here are 20 romantic conversation starters for married couples

  • Is there anything I’m not doing in bed that you would like me to do?
  • What’s one thing that you think would make our relationship better?
  • What’s your favourite thing to do with me?
  • When have you felt the most loved by me?
  • What is one word that best describes our relationship?
  • What’s one positive change that our marriage has had on you?
  • Do you find our relationship fun or boring? 
  • What do I do that is the biggest turn-on for you?
  • What’s your favourite memory from when we were dating?
  • If you could go back to when we first started dating, what advice would you give yourself?
  • How would you like to spend your next anniversary?
  • How do I add value and happiness to your daily life?
  • How have you kept the romance and fun in your marriage?
  • What are the best memories of you and me that make you smile whenever you remember them?
  • If you could change something about our relationship moving forward, what would it be?
  • What is one thing you think could make our relationship stronger?
  • If we could go on a double date with one of our couple friends, who would you choose and who?
  • What’s the most romantic thing I’ve ever done for you?
  • What are some ways I can show you I’m interested in you and want to know you better?
  • What are some things I’ve done for you in the past that really made you feel loved?

And there you have it, a list of fun questions for married couples to consider. 

Which of these questions did you find the most interesting. 

If you consider yourselves fun and easy-going, these are some of the most fun questions for married couples to ask each other in order to get conversations going. 

We have lots of other interesting questions you can ask your spouse.

For example this list of  100 creative and fun flirty questions to ask a guy.

It’s one of our most popular lists amongst our couples. 

The goal of having these conversations is to help you communicate better with your spouse in order to strengthen your connection and build intimacy.

We hope you enjoyed our ultimate list of married couple conversation starters!

Here are over 50 fun Conversation Starters For Married Couples. If you are running out of things to talk about, these 50 conversation starters for married couples. Communication in marriage is so important so use these conversation topics right now.

How we recommend using fun conversation starters for couples:

As we have already mentioned a few times, having open communication in your relationship will help you grow closer. 

These conversation starters for married couples are great for all couples and can be used at any time. 

It’s important to set time in your relationship to talk frequently. 

Keeping it light and fun is ideal, just as much as asking deep questions to open up more. 

We made this list of conversation starters for married couples to help your relationship. 

They will help you get closer to each other. 

Set time at least once a week to use these conversation starters to help rediscover your partner. 

These conversation topics are perfect for married couples that are looking to reignite their relationship. 

Turn off your phone after dinner and start having conversations. 

Tell us which conversation topics for married couples you are most interested in starting this week?

Related posts: 

50 Exciting & Fun Conversation Starters For Married Couples