Did you successfully close a sale and book a bride as a client. Take your marketing efforts to the next level by thanking them for booking you! Everyone appreciates a little thank you from time to time and it doesn’t hurt anyone at the end of the day! A thank you gift or card is […]
Social Media
Wedding Professional Marketing Tips
Join our group of other wedding professionals in our “Wedding Professional Hive” an up coming Facebook group where we share marketing tips on a daily basis! As much as we have worked extremely hard on fantastic strategy to try to help you find old helpful posts, they are still a few posts that most of […]
10 Ways to Attract More Brides to Your Wedding Business
They are simple steps that you can implement right now, like today, in your wedding business to start attracting more brides. Simple things such as branding your social media platforms, sharing more of your work and partnering up with wedding vendors in the industry. We have created a simple E-Book that you can follow today to […]
How to Respond When BRIDES Think You Are Too Expensive
If you’ve been in the wedding industry for any amount of time, you’ve heard this objection from brides before. Your first reaction as an Event Professional would be to get offended, but sometimes, brides think this way because of preconceived notions about the industry and the value of your services. Before you get all upset and […]
Give your Wedding Website a Facelift
Have you updated you website lately? We highly recommend doing a website “Facelift” at least once a year as you would spring clean your home! If you have not updated work on your website for at least 2 years or more, then it’s about time for a little change and relaunch. We don’t mean changing your […]
3 Wedding Business Marketing Ideas to book more brides
Use Our Marketing Ideas to Grow Your Wedding Business! Today we will be sharing 3 Marketing Business ideas to book more brides. You can implement these tips today in order to see progress in your wedding business. These are strategies are so easy but they make a difference, start seeing a change today! And if […]
5 Ways Boost Your Wedding Business Blog
5 Things to do Today to Boost Your Wedding Business Blog (Traffic) Growing your wedding blog’s traffic is extremely essential to finding success for your wedding business. You do not need to have hundreds and thousands of pageviews per month, but you do need readers reading your blog. Today we will be sharing a few […]
How to use Pinterest to Plan your Clients’ Wedding
We love love LOOOVE Pinterest! And if you are not on it, you should totally get on it! It is the best tool you could possibly use to attract your ideal brides and gain traffic to your wedding website and blog! I am pretty sure every wedding vendor out there is on Pinterest so jump […]
10 Alternative places to meet your Brides
10 Alternative places to meet your Brides Many wedding professionals can not afford the extra costs and overhead of having an office such as Wedding planners, some cake artists and Photographers. This is just added expenses that you do need when first starting out! We have come up with a few great places you can use to meet your […]
How to turn Inquiries into new clients
How to turn inquiries into new clients. As a vendor that works in the Wedding & Events industry our days are typically filled with corresponding back and forth with potential clients who are inquiring about our services! In reality we should all be extremely excited to be receiving inquiries in our mail box daily. The […]